Would you consider posting a link on Notes when you have a new post? I’ve subscribed to more things than I can realistically process, and if it’s in my Notes feed, I’m more likely to read it
To be clear— this ain’t your fault, it’s my fault! It’s just that when I’m on substack, it’s a race against time til I decide I need to leave and get some work done. And it’s become a Darwinian thing where people who post about their newest thing in Notes get my attention, and good writers like you who don’t promote that way are likely to miss me. In addition to helping me, I’d love to see you getting more readers. Promoting in Notes feeds can help.
Would you consider posting a link on Notes when you have a new post? I’ve subscribed to more things than I can realistically process, and if it’s in my Notes feed, I’m more likely to read it
I'll try that next week. I post early Sat mornings - at least I have for some two years now. Thanks for the suggestion.
To be clear— this ain’t your fault, it’s my fault! It’s just that when I’m on substack, it’s a race against time til I decide I need to leave and get some work done. And it’s become a Darwinian thing where people who post about their newest thing in Notes get my attention, and good writers like you who don’t promote that way are likely to miss me. In addition to helping me, I’d love to see you getting more readers. Promoting in Notes feeds can help.
Shame, but we can only try to keep his legacy alive. I think they'll catch on to him soon...
I compiled a 4 CD that surveys his career from 1928 to 1962. It’s a companion to the upcoming biography I wrote of Williams. https://www.amazon.com/Concerto-Cootie-Selected-Recordings-1928-62/dp/B0CR6MYH81/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=3MY6M23NISTXZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.fnf3yTOwyGX4WPv4kH5vzeB3NsA2HpUj4pyuYgxQRVrqh_gAratbuhBVMC1nQrS3x86FmJGFBEBLIiYiflbNd4OlShe9vwzDU3dqE2HqHChjcr6g0QDj23_jeqPo3v-pMP_0niwgezNWLEcyDNKM1scqI5KrWpcKGARMMmaopL1r6mHO1Lzj3Dmw5V5rsnGrrqxRJvIsQY80ish7_N02Rg.98_pwIFd5LWuCOMPUJ5O9AuVmxuYYGiGkX7Dlvb0Pg4&dib_tag=se&keywords=concerto+for+cootie&qid=1726451774&sprefix=concerto+for+cootie%2Caps%2C196&sr=8-1